- Duration: 2 days
- Level: initiation
- Teaching methods: on site or distance learning
- Prerequisite: Computer science basics
- Certificate: Yes
- Provision of the software: No (possibility to use a demo license)
- Location: France (individual) and within your country / company
- Accessibility: arx iT ensures that the principles set out in the Disability Act of 11 February 2005 are properly implemented. The company is committed to making its training courses accessible to people with disabilities and to implementing the necessary pedagogical, material and organisational adaptations, by our own means or with the help of the AGEFIPH network. This approach is part of the company's values and our trainers are aware of the need to welcome this public.
Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) is a spatial ETL : a tool for Extraction Transformation and Loading of vector and raster data. It is used in all business areas of the geographic information: territorial collectivities, data producers...
At the end of this training session, trainees will be able to:
- Understand basics of the geographical information;
- Use the Data Inspector of FME ;
- Set and use the Universal translater of FME;
- Understand how works FME Workbench;
- Create and publish their own FME transformers;
- Presentation of the main FME transformers.